Book club for Nonprofit Leaders


A few months ago, a hand full of nonprofit leaders in our town started a nonprofit book club. We meet once a month to discuss a book that is either about nonprofits or has lessons that can be applied to nonprofits. I agreed to lead the discussions and drafted an initial list of suggested books for the year. It has been a very rewarding and fun experience.

Any given month we have between 5 and 15 participants. We meet in the Sherlock Holmes room in Two Sisters Bookstore. Someone brings snacks and wine.

The conversations are as much about sharing common concerns as they are about the book we are reading. We have a wide variety of organizations –  environmental, arts, schools, a couple funders and a couple consultants. I know I come away encouraged from seeing our work with new perspectives.

My goal for this new year is to share the conversation and books we discuss. Over the next several weeks, we will catch up on the first three books:

Good to Great for the Social Sector, Jim Collins

The Spirituality of Fundraising, Henri Nouwen

Start With Why, Simon Sinek (this link for the book summary and meeting discussion)

Next month we are reading Give and Take by Adam Grant.

We hope those who read this blog will also gain something from our conversations as well.

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